Monday, December 15, 2008

Severed Sun "Kensho"

Just got a copy of the new 7" from Severed Sun titled "Kensho". So much to say, but not enough words to describe the feelings that come through when jamming this release. The first track "Soto" reminds me of what the gates of hell would sound like if opened to the masses. With a heavy drone laid down and at least 3 ebow's tangled together, it sweeps from side to side. As i listened in a day dream i hear vox pedals kick in with an onslaught of solo's reminiscent of some of Ben Chasny's finer work. The most interesting part maybe be the noise alone left behind and dumped into your brain, it doesn't just leave, it stays and leaves you to think about the tangled web left behind. Next comes "Rinzai" a real noise breather, with things I've never heard before it builds and builds with drones and wah effects to leave you reaching for the lights. My only hope is that this isn't the last we will see of this project brought to us by Honos and db. I've heard rumors of a full length two sided LP, but i guess we will have to just wait and see. Kensho will hold me for now, but i'm left wanting more.....

Severed Sun Myspace